Monday, 17 September 2012

drake statistics analysis

The demographics found on Quantcast for the artist Drake show us alot about who our target audience is; the first categorie assesed is gender the results showed an almost equal amount of male fans to female fans which is promising as it enables us to make our target audience unisex . The second catagorie was age the results of which were not atall suprising with 18-24 being by far the largest fanbase followed by 18 and under confirming that we are looking at a young adult target audience.The third catergorie was children and the results showed a similar number however there were slightly more fans without children.
The next catagorie was financial status , the most common group was also the poorest which we presume is more to do with the age of the listener than their class.
The education catergorie was interesting with substantionally more people without colledge education listening to drakes music. Finally the categorie dealing with race showed an overwhelming majority of african american fans . In light of this evidence our target audience are black men and women aged 18 - 24 who are childless and did not attend colledge or university.

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