the cover art of kid cudi's breakthrough album offers many incites to the type of music he makes and the image he tries to portray , The shot of the artists face is in profile and is intentionally looking away from the camera because it conveys a sense of isolation and detachment from reality that separates him from the mainstream rap movement . the fact that he is not central to the shot also shows that he wants the messages of his songs to be more important than his own image. His face is angled down which deonetes sadness a key feature as many of the songs are about the death of his father when he was young . the moon takes up the most part of the front cover and is another denotion of isolation with the artist reffering to himself as the man on the moon to say he feels like he is from another planet . the writing is almost sci fi like and links in with the space theme . the sunglasses and perental advisory signs are also very important in this case as they portray the artist as edgy and is essential as many of his songs reffer to drug use.

The back of the album is also very interesting the art is a copy of the front done in simple monotone colours showing that the album has some very deep and dark content cover , it also copies the true nature of the moon having a dark side as it is the dark side of the album , the font is plain and provides contrast , but much more interestingly the track list is divided into five acts which shows that he sees his album as a way of telling a story and once again tries to break away from conventional rap by adding a dramatic addition to the album cover.
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