dyers star theory suggests that when experiencing an artist we do not relate to them as a person but as a star , this means the image that we see of them is heavily influenced and very deeply thought about an example of this can be seen below

The band mg-mt has a very specific star image that stands out from many other contemporary artists , they have a very orchestrated sense of difference and unconventionality the two band members are dressed in a very bizzare fashion with hints of tribal and shipwrecked influences this creates alot of intruige and is a huge step away from most modern artists in which the cover photo and image is very materialistic and money related. The camera angle is low and gives the two characters a regal air . the background is also very important as it gives the appearence of a very natural and separatist band which is a huge appel for people who do not enjoy mainstream music.The moon in the middle of the shot brings a sense of mysticism into the mix this is echoed by the seemingly endless sea .

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